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What age group is this documentary series appropriate for?

As a youth-focused organization, we designed this three-part series to be an educational resource for those in middle school and older. Just like our presentation program, our new docuseries is appropriate to show in classroom settings or at community events!

Keep in mind that even though we produced this specifically for youth, anyone of any age can enjoy it and learn something, too. It’s great for families, community leaders, or anyone else who may be interested in learning more about how porn impacts individuals, relationships, and society. There’s something for everyone in Brain, Heart, World.

How can I access "Brain, Heart, World?"

Thanks to the generous support of our donors, we’re able to grant free access for small, private viewings—for individuals, couples, families, friends, etc.

For larger gatherings at educational institutions and community events, licenses can be purchased for public screenings.

Can I watch them in any order?

Value can be gained from each episode individually, but we recommend watching all three in order to get the full picture of the harmful effects of pornography. The series is designed to walk you through various impacts, starting on an individual level, and building up to relational and then societal levels.

How did you make this docuseries?

For years, our documentary team has traveled around the world to interview experts, former porn performers, and Fighters in order to capture real stories and experiences from those who have struggled with porn or been involved with its production. Brain, Heart, World is the culmination of countless hours of filming, interviewing, and gathering the most quality and up-to-date information available on the impacts of porn.

What's the goal of these films?

Since 2010, our organization has presented to hundreds of thousands of youth around the world, and we wanted to create a resource that could scale far beyond any live presentation event to be able to educate youth in an involved setting like a classroom or from the comfort of their own home. It isn’t always possible or cost-effective for us to visit any one community or school, but this way, the impactful information still reaches youth and anyone who is interested in learning about porn’s proven impact.

Where can I find the research behind claims made in the series?

For references of how pornography affects the individual, relationships, and the world, we encourage you to check out our Get the Facts articles.

For more research and studies behind the research stated in the series, visit

What if I want to have public screenings at multiple locations?

Unfortunately, Public Screening Licenses are by location. If you would like to publicly screen Brain, Heart, World at various locations, you must purchase separate licenses.

Where do donations go?

As a 501(c)3, we are supported entirely by donations to help create educational resources, such as our live presentation program, translated versions of our resources, our interactive conversation blueprint website Lets Talk About Porn, and this documentary!

You can make a one-time donation, or partner with us on a monthly basis by signing up for Fighter Club.

How can I get involved?

As an awareness organization, you can help spread this movement by sharing our content, requesting a live presentation at your school, or snagging one of our conversation-starting tees. You can also grab an awareness-raising Street Team Kit, which allows Fighters to spread the movement in a non-confrontational yet effective way.

Where can I share my story?

As an awareness organization with a global community dedicated to fighting for love, we’re always looking for new personal stories to share our blog! If your life has been affected by pornography, and you’re down to share your story and/or raise awareness on the harms porn inflicts on real lives, feel free to send us your story by clicking here!

Where can I get help if I’m struggling with porn?

If you or someone you know is currently struggling with porn, we’ve got your back!

Our friends at Fortify can help. Fortify is an online, video-based recovery platform that allows the user to create their own personal “Battle Strategy,” monitors progress and helps stop the cycle of going back to porn. Fortify users have access to coaches and webinars and report 85% decrease in depressive symptoms. Over 90% reported that Fortify helped move them toward long-term change. Overall, users report an 88% reduction in porn use after joining Fortify, which is awesome. Plus, there are free versions available for both teens and adults! To learn more or sign up, visit

I don’t know how to talk to others about porn. Can you help me?

We know that conversations about porn can be difficult to navigate, no matter if you’re talking to your partner, parents, kids, friends, or complete strangers. This is why we created Let’s Talk About Porn, an interactive website that guides you through the best way to successfully navigate challenging conversations about porn. Whoever you want to talk to, this guide will prep you and help you make the most of your conversations.